Police in Sapporo have apprehended a 59-year-old man, Rinichi Kuronuma, on suspicion of violating the Firearms and Swords Control Law. The arrest was made after authorities discovered that Kuronuma had illegally possessed 33 handguns and imitation handguns at his residence. According to NHK, Kuronuma, who works for a company, admitted to purchasing the firearms solely for recreational purposes.
A joint investigation conducted by the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department and Hokkaido Prefectural Police revealed that Kuronuma had acquired five handguns and 28 imitation handguns without any lawful justification in June of this year. The case came to light as a result of an inquiry conducted by a police cyber patrol unit.
The confiscated firearms are believed to have originated from the United States and Belgium. Stored in his garage alongside over 100 other guns and hunting rifles, no live ammunition was found among them.
During questioning, Kuronuma stated that he had been collecting guns as a hobby for the past 15 years but emphasized that he never intended to use them harmfully or discharged any rounds from them.
The Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department is currently conducting further investigations into how Kuronuma obtained these weapons.
© Japan Today