Police in Aso City, Kumamoto Prefecture, have arrested a 42-year-old man on suspicion of assaulting a business acquaintance by hitting him on the head with a small concrete block. According to police, Toshikazu Taketomi and the victim, a 39-year-old man from Tagawa City, Fukuoka Prefecture, were drinking at the bar when they got into an argument. Witnesses said they went outside and Taketomi picked up the concrete block and hit the victim on the head. He also punched him in the face. The victim suffered a skull fracture and broken nose.
– Gene Hennigh: Drinking contest gone wrong?
- Toshihiro: Safe to say, these guys won’t be drinking together anytime soon.
– Hercolobus: Not safe to drink with acquaintances. Drink at established bars.
– Mocheake: When you step outside, best to be ready for anything. Better yet, stay inside, let the fool leave, lock the door and drink alone.
– falseflagsteve: Sounds like bad egg to me. Another drunken thug seriously hurting someone; what a dipstick.
– Keepitreal: Geez sounds like someone has an anger management issue; the tiger will soon turn into a pussy cat after a few days locked up…
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