September 12, 2024

Jillian Michaels Offers Post-Summer Fitness Tips

The fall season ⁤and its holiday festivities are⁣ approaching, and fitness expert Jillian ⁣Michaels believes that this is the time when many people struggle to maintain their summer health goals. Speaking to Fox News Digital on September⁢ 2, Michaels⁤ explained that ​transitioning from⁢ summer to fall⁢ can present challenges⁣ in making healthy choices.

Michaels, known⁢ for her tough workout ⁤approach, has adapted her training methods in recent years by simplifying her diet and exercise routine. She emphasized the importance of meeting people where they are in their fitness journey. Walking is one simple activity that can improve heart health, help​ maintain a healthy weight, ​and prevent or ‍manage conditions like high blood pressure ⁢or ‍diabetes.

To stay on ⁢track with‍ fitness ⁤goals, Michaels advised against overeating and encouraged remaining active throughout the day. She acknowledged that there are many environmental factors working against individuals when it​ comes to making healthy choices but suggested ​using common sense with food⁣ choices as‌ a starting point. Simple ‍changes like opting for grilled chicken instead of​ fried foods ‌or choosing water over sugary beverages can make a ⁢significant difference.

Michaels also recognized the challenges faced by those who work from home or find it less appealing to go outside as the weather changes. Incorporating devices such‌ as walking‍ pads can help combat sedentary lifestyles⁤ by allowing individuals⁢ to walk while watching TV or⁢ answering ‌emails.

During the holiday season, it is ​common‍ for ⁤people to deviate from their health ⁢goals, leading them to justify waiting until New Year’s resolutions to get back on track. Michaels stressed the importance‍ of​ not giving up after falling off track but rather ⁣focusing on simplicity and attainable change.

Jillian Michaels provided practical tips for maintaining fitness goals during seasonal‍ transitions and holidays while emphasizing simplicity and common sense in making healthier lifestyle choices.


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